Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Good news from Princeton!!!

Wow, my head is going to explode. Just got the following email (highlights only):

"Dear Kristi,

I'm delighted to report that you've been admitted to Princeton's Ph.D. program in Politics with full fellowship support. Congratulations!

We had more applications this year than in any previous year and could only admit a very small portion (about 6%), so you are part of an extremely select group. My colleagues in comparative politics thought that Princeton would be an excellent match for your interests. We all look forward to meeting you and hope you will decide to join us."

This is really crazy. Plus UCLA just upgraded their previous offer with a Japan Studies fellowship (which basically translates to two additional years of support). Wow. I'm kind of bewildered at the moment. Happy. But bewildered. I have no idea how I'm going to make this decision.


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