Friday, September 29, 2006

A much overdue conclusion

So, it's been a long time since I updated this blog - I left Japan on July 29th, and now I'm back in the U.S.! I've moved down to California and started a Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley. All is well and fine. If you want to read about my new adventures in Berkeley, I am planning to set up a new blog soon. I'll post the link here as soon as it's available.

I had a few more adventures before I left though - including moving farewells at my schools and a final trip to Tokyo with Nuria and Star. Here are a few more pictures to keep things visual:

Junko, Noriko, Kristi & Rosalind
Team Yakiniku: Junko, Noriko, Kristi, & Rosalind

Yamaya-san, Julia & Kristi
Yamaya-san, Julia & Kristi

Final Farewell, Tsubame-Sanjo Station
Final Farewell, Tsubame-Sanjo Station

Kristi & Nuria, Tokyo

John Lennon Museum, Saitama
John Lennon Museum, Saitama

Tokyo Takarazuka Theatre
Tokyo Takarazuka Theatre

Star & Kristi, The Lockup, Tokyo
Star & Kristi, The Lockup, Tokyo

Kristi, Shibuya, Tokyo
Kristi, Shibuya

Siblings, Reunited
Siblings, Reunited

Siblings, En Route To Berkeley
Siblings, En Route To Berkeley

Anyway, in conclusion, I'd like to thank all of you for reading my blog. It was a crazy year in Japan, filled with a lot of fun and a lot of personal growth. I look forward to more adventures in the future!