Monday, August 01, 2005

Lazy day

Nothing too exciting yesterday, except for the fact that I started and finished the new Harry Potter book. I tried to pace myself, but it was a really quick read. I enjoyed it... I should slow down a little though - I think the only recreational book I have left is the copy of The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle I stole from Adam before I left for Seattle. The books I shipped to myself will be arriving in three or four weeks, but if I finish everything, I'll be forced to read teaching books and GRE study materials til then. Although, that would probably be good for me...

I think I have to venture out onto the main highway to buy some things at the larger supermarker, Lion D'or. Driving in Japan is still a little disorienting, with everything being flipped over to the other side. I actually think the inside of the car is more disorienting than the outside - shift with your left, operate the blinker with your right, etc. The first time I took the car out, I kept turning on the windshield wipers every time I took a turn. :)

Anyway, time flies when you've only got a few hours of Internet access a day, so I better wrap this up. I'm looking forward to getting my YahooBB service setup at my apartment. Should only be a couple more weeks. I'll be doing a bit of sightseeing today and tomorrow, so I hope to have some more pictures to post on Thursday... and I'm making definite progress with the new website, which I hope to unveil soon.

Hope all of you are doing well. Send me an email sometime - it's nice to hear from home.

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