Friday, September 16, 2005

More random adventures...

Pottery Class
Originally uploaded by kristi-san.

Pottery Class
Originally uploaded by kristi-san.

Pottery class last night was amusing. It's always interesting, venturing into these little pockets of Japanese society and finding out what the real people are up to. In our case, they were throwing/pinching clay in a studio which seemed to be located on the grounds of the Omi Shrine, quite near my apartment. Aaron and Rosalind, my two companions in crime, were both art majors in college, so they totally impressed all the Japanese people--although one fellow seemed bent on giving advice, no matter what. As for me, I hung out with Rosalind's Japanese tutor and fashioned the beginnings of a mug. :) Good times...

While I was spacing out at school the other day, one of the Japanese English teachers showed me a scrapbook of autographed pictures that he's been keeping. Apparently, the kids occasionally write fan letters to various celebrities and occasionally get responses. The two most recent additions were Daniel Radcliffe (aka Harry Potter) and Johnny Depp. Makes sense, right? However, there were also a number of signed pictures of Peter Falk. Apparently, good ol' Columbo was quite popular with the kiddies a few years back. Hm.

Now, I have a three and a half day weekend--whoo hoo! Fridays are my standard half-days, so I only had to work for three hours this morning, and Monday is Respect for the Aged Day. After that, I came home and worked on miscellaneous computer and application stuff. I also *finally* decorated the front room of my apartment. Now all I need to do is clean and buy a sofa and the place will almost look presentable. Maybe after my next paycheck.

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