Wednesday, July 12, 2006

And the story continues...

Yeah, so I'm not going to wax philosophical about this goodbye business because ... well, it's pretty much the running theme for the next couple of weeks, right? :)

Yesterday I parted ways with a class that was formerly my noisiest, least-behaved of all my schools (they've subsequently mellowed quite a bit though). I actually really adore these guys - I have a soft spot in my heart for the difficult ones. ;) After receiving a few declarations of love and cuteness, I was quite loathe to leave. I'll see them around for the next week or so though:

Class 2-2, Kamo Jr. High
Originally uploaded by kristi-san.

Last night, a yet-again-sick Aaron and I met up with Nishigata-sensei, a JTE (Japanese Teacher of English) who we both happened to work with this year, due to the wonders of the educational transfer system. We feasted on yakiniku and had a very relaxing time chatting.

Team Teachers!
Originally uploaded by kristi-san.

Aaron and I followed it up by hitting the late show of Mission Impossible III in Tsubame, probably the last time I'll be seeing a movie in Japan for at least a few years. It's a rather interesting process really - a weekly "Ladies Day", assigned seating, Japanese people who don't laugh or leave til the credits are completely finished... Oh, and of course, a thankfully reversed set of logic that makes the latest show of the evening also the cheapest one (+1 point, Japan!). I thought the movie itself was fairly entertaining, lots of twists and turns. It seemed very ... reasonable, as odd as that sounds.

Anyway, I just found out that I have absolutely positively NO classes today because all of my kidlings are painstakingly composing farewell letters for me. *tear* Yep yep. I guess that means I should finally plan my weekend agenda - this weekend I'm heading to the general vicinity of Nagoya to get myself into all kinds of random adventures and witness the awesomeness that will be a sumo tournament.

Oh, and I'm having dinner with the mayor of Kamo tonight. And a big enkai tomorrow night. And God knows what else. Oh, Japan.

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